We Make It Easier to Do Good Things for Others
Starting a nonprofit usually involves incorporating, putting together a board of directors, seeking 501(c)(3) status, registering to fundraise, filling out applications and tax forms, and hiring an accountant. It can be overwhelming, especially for those with small to medium-sized program plans.
But there is an alternative: A way to get your charitable project started almost immediately without all the steps above. A way that still allows people to donate to your project tax-deductibly.
The answer is fiscal sponsorship. We partner with project managers to transform innovative ideas into impactful charitable initiatives.

How It Works
Fiscal sponsorship is ideal for anyone who wants to start a charitable project or activity, but doesn’t want the headache of operating a full-blown 501(c)(3) organization. By partnering with a fiscal sponsor, like Compass Charitable Partners, you can get started fundraising and implementing services almost immediately. As a 501(c)(3) ourselves, we are able to provide oversight and administrative support, as well as allowing your donors to give tax-deductibly.
The steps to getting started are really this straightforward:
*Partnership is by application-only, and approval is not guaranteed. Compass partnership is limited to charitable projects and activities that satisfy the following purposes: advancement of the Christian religion, children’s welfare, animal welfare, education, healthcare, relief to the poor, and community improvement. Applications will be vetted by one or more Compass team members to gauge suitability of mission and compliance with 501(c)(3) standards. All approved partnerships are subject to Compass’s Partnership Agreement. To learn more, please visit our Knowledge Base or call and speak with one of our Advisors.